The Sixth Judicial District Office of the Prosecuting Attorney, serving the largest judicial district in the State of Arkansas, is charged with the responsibility of prosecuting criminal cases filed in the Arkansas counties of Pulaski and Perry.
Will Jones
Will Jones is the Little Rock-based Sixth Judicial District’s newest elected prosecutor, taking over for Larry Jegley who’s stepping into retirement. Originally from Murfreesboro, Jones graduated from Henderson State University in 1998 and from the University of Arkansas School of Law in 2001. After serving as deputy prosecutor in Crawford County, Jones started work in the Pulaski County Prosecutor’s office in May 2001.
After 11 years as a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney in this office, Will went to work for Attorney General Dustin McDaniel to run the newly formed Cyber Crimes Unit, where he worked for seven years before moving to Pine Bluff to be Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for the 11 West Judicial District.
During his first is term, Jones aims to address the backlog caused by COVID and tackle the surge in homicides and violent crime in the community. His commitment to justice and safety is evident as he seeks to bring closure to victims’ families and enhance public safety in Pulaski County.


The program combines traditional probation with evidenced-based drug treatment to reduce recidivism.

Offers a Treatment Court program to help former service members with criminal charges to address drug addiction and mental illness.

Mental Health
Special program offered in Pulaski County to individuals accused of misdemeanor criminal offenses.