In the Sixth Judicial District, there are seven Circuit (Felony) Courts, seven District (Misdemeanor) Courts and three Youth Crimes (Juvenile) Courts to manage the largest caseload in the State. The Office of the Prosecuting Attorney’s Deputy Prosecuting Attorneys oversee the prosecutions of crimes committed in the jurisdiction, which includes Pulaski and Perry Counties.
Pulaski County has three specialty diversion courts: Drug Court, Veteran’s Court, and Mental Health Court. Our Deputy Prosecuting Attorneys constantly screen incoming cases to see if the offender is eligible and can benefit from these diversion programs. If accepted, the offender enters a diversion program and receives various services.
Drug Court
The Pulaski County Drug Court program combines traditional probation with evidence-based drug treatment to reduce recidivism. An eligible participant in the drug court program will enter a guilty plea to the felonies they are charged with. A high-needs participant who is at high risk of failing traditional probation will meet with team members individually as well as in a group setting to target the source of their criminal behavior: their addictions. On successful completion of the drug court program, their record is immediately eligible to be sealed. Drug Court is based on a national model that is shown to treat addiction and lower recidivism, making our children, families and community safer.
Veteran’s Court
Pulaski County offers a Veteran’s Treatment Court program that offers help to former service members with criminal charges to address drug addiction and mental illness. Eligible participants in Veterans Treatment Court will plead guilty to the felonies they are charged with and enter the program. Veterans Treatment Court offers a more structured probation than a probationer would normally be required to participate, and it is combined with evidence-based treatment offered by the VA in order to help veterans manage their addiction or mental illness. Veterans who successfully complete the requirements of the program are immediately eligible to have their records sealed. Veterans who participate in Veterans Court are less likely to reoffend, making our State safer for our children, families and community.
Mental Health Court
Mental Health Court is a special program offered in Pulaski County to individuals accused of misdemeanor criminal offenses. Mental Health Court offers participants a more structured environment than they are used to with more traditional probation, with a focus on managing and treating mental illness. Mental Health Court is made possible through our partnerships with the VA and the community mental health centers, which assist our participants using evidence-based interventions. A participant's case will be dismissed upon successful completion of the 18-month program. Our children, families, and community are safer when participants are successful in Mental Health Court because with their mental and emotional needs being addressed, they are less likely to re-offend.
Domestic Violence / Sexual Assault (DV/SA) Unit
The Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault (DV/SA) Unit prosecutes violent crimes involving families, children, and intimate partner violence. These crimes include homicides involving domestic violence, abuse against children, rape and sexual assault, and sex offenders when they are not in compliance with the sex offender registration requirements. Prosecutors work closely with law enforcement, the Crimes Against Children Division, the Children’s Protection Center, and other community partners to not only prosecute the offenders, but also provide services for the victims and their families to assist in healing from the crime-induced trauma. Prosecutors in this unit receive specialized training on forensic interviewing, human trafficking, domestic violence, and trauma responses to better support survivors and understand the unique and complex dynamics of prosecuting these cases.
If you are experiencing domestic violence or know of someone who is please reach out to the hotlines below.
• National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
• National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
• Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-482-5964
Drug Unit
The Drug Unit of the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney handles and tries crimes involving controlled substances including cocaine, methamphetamine, LSD and marijuana. These crimes include delivery, manufacturing, possession, paraphernalia, and maintaining drug premises. ​
General Crimes
The General Jurisdiction Crimes unit of the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney handles offenses including DWIs, thefts, robberies, hot checks, terroristic threatening, assault, and battery. This unit processes the bulk of felony crimes.
District Courts
District court handles felony first appearances and all misdemeanor cases that take place Pulaski and Perry County.